Our Vision
Students Heart Teachers brings together students with a passion to enrich and lift-up teachers by inspiring, educating, and mobilizing students and communities to make impactful change in how teachers are valued.
Our Mission
Students Heart Teachers is a student-led nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting, encouraging, and advocating for public school teachers through
impactful appreciation events, student-to-teacher outreach, and ongoing community education addressing the teacher shortage crisis.
In The News
Blue Valley School Board is preparing to vote to make its teachers the highest paid in Kansas to address the teacher shortage crisis.
- Channel 41 News @ Rally in the Valley, August 9, 2024
Student Heart Teachers' Caroline Massman was a panelist selected to represent Blue Valley North High School at the Blue Valley School District's "Rally in the Valley." This year's kickoff event focused on teacher retention and the upcoming Board of Education vote to raise teacher compensation, something we've been advocating for since 2022.
About Students Heart Teachers
A longtime teacher advocate, Caroline Massman founded Student Heart Teachers, Inc., as her Girl Scout Gold Award project. She started the organization after losing beloved high school educators and noticing a lack of student appreciation for teachers after the pandemic.
Caroline takes great joy in serving others through her many leadership roles. She is a 2024 Bank of America Student Leader®, a 2025 Coca-Cola Scholars Program Regional Finalist, a top-ranked All-American Model United Nations international team member, and the founder and coach of the Blue Valley North Model UN team, which earned the "Best Overall Delegation" at Kansas City's MKCMUN 2024.
Caroline's commitment to service extends to her role as a member of the Student Advisory Council for The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History in New York City, working with her city through the Overland Park Teen Council and leading Kansas DECA forward as a statewide officer.
Celebrating American Education Week
November 13-17, 2023
Blue Valley North Students Stock the Teachers' Break Room
Student Heart Teachers celebrated American Education Week with our 'Stock the Teachers' Break Room' event. We fundraised over $500 from our community to purchase coffee pods, drinks, fruit, popcorn, cheese sticks, cookies, candy, and chips to stock the Blue Valley North teachers' lounge. Our mission is to support and appreciate teachers throughout the year to help increase teacher satisfaction and do our small part to help combat the teacher shortage crisis.
Kansas teachers leaving the profession in 2022-23.
Compared to:
505 in 2020-21
732 in 2021-22
- ksde.org
of educators nationally
now indicate that they are ready to leave the profession earlier than planned.
of educators nationally
would strongly recommend the profession to a young adult.